Messages / Theme Contents
⦁ Daniel 1:1-2 - The times of Daniel
Introduction - From Daniel to our times
- Receive Jesus!
⦁ Daniel 1:3-5 - God has a purpose with us
Understanding our purpose - How God saves us
- God wants to save you
⦁ Daniel 1:6-7 - The Word
The words we speak - The words we speak
- The war against the Bible
- Pray for Israel!
⦁ Daniel 1:8-9 - Defilement
Defilement - Spiritual defilement
- Defilement in our times
⦁ Daniel 1:10-13 - Daniel's faith
Faith - Faith implies taking risks
- Our faith is necessary in God's plan
- God gave me faith
- God wants to give you faith as well
⦁ Daniel 1:14-16 - Overcoming obstacles
Overcoming obstacles - God helps us
- How can I become a winner?
⦁ Daniel 1:17-21 - God's wisdom in Daniel and his friends
God's wisdom - Wisdom in the Bible
- God wants to give us wisdom
- God's discipline
⦁ Daniel 2:1-2 - The king's dream
The king's dream - Religion vs. science... Why?
- Dreams and their meaning
- What do you think abour your dreams?
- NOTE: satanic professions
⦁ Daniel 2:3-11 - Wizards in trouble
Wizards in trouble - God is able to abide in the flesh
- Our lost relationship with God
- NOTE: the LXX and the Qumran scrolls
⦁ Daniel 2:12-13 - In your anger do not sin
Anger in our lives - Anger
- Spiritual fatherhood
- Anger management
- Seeking the root of our anger
⦁ Daniel 2:14-16 - The faith we need
The faith we need - Daniel's faith
- Our faith grows
- The baptism in the Spirit
⦁ Daniel 2:17-18 - Seeking God in prayer
Seeking God in prayer - Israel's origin
- Knowing God
- The power of prayer
- How to pray
- God answers prayers
⦁ Daniel 2:19-23 - Daniel's praise and prayer
Daniel's praise and prayer - Worship
- How shall we worship?
- Daniel's idea of worship
- Worship in both the OT and NT
- The reason we worship
⦁ Daniel 2:24-26 - Knowing God through His promises
Knowing God - God has a plan
- Faith in a promise
⦁ Daniel 2:27-30 - The things that will come to pass
The things that will come to pass - The root of Daniel's prophecies
- Daniel's message for all mankind
⦁ Daniel 2:31-33 - Rise of Empires
Rise of Empires - The golden head
- Metals and Kingdoms
⦁ Daniel 2:34-35 - The Kingdom of God
The Kingdom of God - Two Kingdoms of God?
⦁ Daniel 2:36-38 - The Head of Gold
The Head of Gold - Historical outline of ancient Babylonia
- Spiritual meaning of Babylonia
⦁ Daniel 2:39-40 - 4 kingdoms: real & false interpretations
Four kingdoms: - The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
real & false interpretations - False prophecies
- The reasons they are false
⦁ Daniel 2:41-43 - The Antichrist
The Antichrist - Identifying the Antichrist
- Antiochus IV Epiphanes
- Antichrist and Antiochus IV are not the same
⦁ Daniel 2:44-45 - The Kingdom of God
The Kingdom of God - Origins of Preterism
- Preterism (the interpretation)
- Failures of Preterism
- Events happening when the Messiah comes
- Prophecies (the coming of God's Kingdom)
- Messianic prophecies
- The Times of the Gentiles
- The Times of the Gentiles didn't end in 70 AD
⦁ Daniel 2:46-49 - The victory that overcomes the world
The victory that has - Constantine's faith
overcome the world - Faith in the Scriptures
- Salvation for eternity or now?
⦁ Daniel 3:1-3 - Idolatry
Idolatry - Nebuchadnezzar's idolatry
- Modern idolatry
⦁ Daniel 3:4-7 - The evils of idolatry
The evils of idolatry - Idolatry in the Bible
- Modern idolatry
⦁ Daniel 3:8-12 - Accused when doing good
Accused of... doing good?! - The reason they were accused
- The heavenly court
If it doesn't come from - Villains vs. Heroes
faith, then it is sin - Biblical heroes are different
- The faith of God's children
⦁ Daniel 3:16-18 - Introduction (Buridan's ass)
Making decisions - Making decisions in our times
- The lesson of Daniel's friends
- Our lives in God's hands
⦁ Daniel 3:19-20 - Faith and magic wands
Faith and magic wands - Rush time all the time
- The outcome of our faith can take time
⦁ Daniel 3:21-23 - Dealing with affliction
Dealing with affliction - When we don't understand God's way
⦁ Daniel 3:24-25 - The miracle-working God
The miracle-working God - We can be in a blazing furnace as well
- Israel in the blazing furnace
- The Angel of the Lord
- The Divine Messiah
- NOTE: Angel of the Lord = Messiah
⦁ Daniel 3:26-27 - The Most High God and His people
The Most High God - God and Israel
and His people - The people of God
- Jesus and Israel
- NT prophecies about Israel
- God's plan with Israel and the church
- Israel's restoration means Jesus is coming
⦁ Daniel 3:28-30 - Miracles
Miracles - God paves the way for His miracles
- "Natural" miracles
- Supernatural miracles
- Miracles as a touchstone
⦁ Daniel 3:31-33 - Faith and miracles
Faith and miracles - Praise and miracles
- God works miracles for those who praise Him
- When we don't see miracles
⦁ Daniel 4:1-4 (NIV 4-7) - Nebuchadnezzar's second dream
Nebuchadnezzar's second dream - God's Alarm
- Mysteries in the Scripture
⦁ Daniel 4:5-6 (NIV 8-9) - How to experience God's power
How to experience God's power - The Babylonian deity
- The Real and Only God
⦁ Daniel 4:7-9 (NIV 10-12) - Nebuchadnezzar's second dream
Nebuchadnezzar's second dream - Dreams and visions
- A life with a vision
- Right and wrong visions
⦁ Daniel 4:10-13 (NIV 13-16) - Listening to God
Listening to God - Seeking God
- When God doesn't answer as we wish
- Does God "descend from heaven"?
- God wants a relationship with you
⦁ Daniel 4:14-15 (NIV 17-18) - The reason we live
The reason we live - There is a vocation in us
- Our vocation shapes our minds
- When our vocation doesn't include God
⦁ Daniel 4:16-19 (NIV 19-22) - Interpretation of the king's dream
Interpretation of the king's dream - Interpreting the Word
- We have to evercome fear
- Allegories
- Be holy, as I am Holy
⦁ Daniel 4:20-22 (NIV 23-25) - Promises, warnings, commandments, prophecy
Promises, warnings, - Promises and not so promising
Promises, warnings, - Promises and not so promising
commandments, prophecy - Does God repent?
- Warnings and the Second Coming
⦁ Daniel 4:23-24 (NIV 26-27) - Jesus loves you
Jesus loves you - People can reject you
- God's protection through His promises
- God's protection through His commandments
- Promise and commandment to the king
- Count your blessings
⦁ Daniel 4:25-27 (NIV 28-30) - Soli Deo gloria
Soli Deo gloria - God is worthy to be praised
- Self-glorification's disastrous consequences
⦁ Daniel 4:28-29 (NIV 31-32) - The Judge of the Universe
The Judge of the Universe - God's discipline
- God's condemnation
- The judgment of the cross
- The judgment of our works
- The last judgment
⦁ Daniel 4:30-32 (NIV 33-35) - Hostility towards God
Hostility towards God - God's enemies
- Only repentance makes us friends of God
⦁ Daniel 4:33-34 (NIV 36-37) - The outcome of haughtiness
The outcome of haughtiness - Introduction: Video about Israel
- God fights for Israel
- Pride in the Bible
⦁ Daniel 5:1-4 - When alcohol speaks instead of you
When alcohol speaks - The dangers of alcohol consumption
instead of you - Desecration leads to death
- Desecration of the faith
⦁ Daniel 5:5-6 - Right or Wrong
God's judgments - The power of God
- Difference between perceived and real things
- God's judgments
- Reasons we ignore God's judgments
1. Being scoffers
2. Being externally religious
3. Being deceitful
- NOTE: local vs. universal flood
⦁ Daniel 5:7-9 - Truth vs. delusion
Truth vs. delusion - God's Spirit vs. satanical spirits
⦁ Daniel 5:10-12 - Faith shapes life
Faith shapes life - Faith made Daniel
- The gifts of the Holy Spirit
⦁ Daniel 5:13-14 - God has an excelent memory!
God doesn't forget you - God doesn't forget you
- God remembers you!
- Spiritual gifts
⦁ Daniel 5:15-16 - The Lamb of God
The Lamb of God - Intro: Passover and Easter
- The power of the blood
⦁ Daniel 5:17 - Spiritual discernment
Spiritual discernment - We need spiritual discernment
⦁ Daniel 5:18-19 - God wants to keep us from evil
4 ways by which God speaks - 4 ways by which God speaks
- NOTES: Creation vs. Evolution;
Jewish celebrations
⦁ Daniel 5:20-21 - Physical and spiritual captivity
Physical and spiritual captivity - The depraved mind
⦁ Daniel 5:22-23 - Wisdom vs godlessness
Wisdom vs godlessness - Giving God honor
- Liberal theology... is it "theology"?
- The source of wisdom
- NOTES about rationalism, empiricism
⦁ Daniel 5:24-28 - God has plans for us
God has plans for us - God's plan for Belshazzar and Babylonia
- Spiritual gifts (levels of interpretation)
- God's plan for Israel and the Jewish people
- God's plan for Satan's kingdom
⦁ Daniel 5:29-31 - Eternal blessing
Eternal blessing - Salvation and condemnation
- God's sheep know Him
- There is resurrection...
- ...but there are two kinds of resurrection
- It applies to both Israel and the church
- The book of life
- NOTE: who is Darius the Mede?
⦁ Daniel 6:1-3 (NIV 1-2) - Your will be done
Your will be done - God is working through the king
- God works through us
- God's authority in creation
- NOTES: * Genesis as prophecy
* YOM as (literal) 12/ 24 hrs time
period, about another period
(figurative), as a time formula
(figure of speech) and its uses
in prophecy
* YOM in Genesis 1-2 (NOT 24 HOURS)
* Evidence about non-literal
interpretation of 6-days creation
⦁ Daniel 6:4 (NIV 3) - Satan's war on God
Origins of the attack against Daniel - War against the church
- War against Israel
- Origins of the attack against Daniel
- Daniel and Israel
- Daniel and the Messiah
- God's plan of salvation
* Genealogies in the Bible, used to
know the age of the world
* Out of Africa theory
* Death before Adam
⦁ Daniel 6:5-6 (NIV 4-5) - Devil means Slanderer
Devil means Slanderer - The Holy Land as wasteland
- The renaissance of the Holy Land
- The Slanderer against God's people
- Israel is right, and BDS is wrong
⦁ Daniel 6:7-8 (NIV 6-7) - The king is deceived
Manipulation - Manipulation
- Why Satan uses manipulation
- Manipulation in Eve's temptation
- Manipulation against the Lord
during His ministry
- Manipulation against Israel
- Manipulation against the church of Jesus
⦁ Daniel 6:9-10 (NIV 8-9) - How to detect deception
How to detect deception - How the deceivers succeeded
- Jesus detected liars all the time
⦁ Daniel 6:11-12 (NIV 10-11) - Persecutions because of our faith
Persecutions because of our faith - Daniel's perserverance
- Persecutions against Israel
- Persecutions against the church
- Reasons why persecutions come
⦁ Daniel 6:13-14 (NIV 12-13) - Accusation is not condemnation
Accusation is not condemnation - Daniel is accused
- Israel has been accused
- God justified Israel
- God sent the Messiah to justify
- Israel is being accused again
- God justifies Israel egain
- Christians are also accused by Satan
but justified by God
⦁ Daniel 6:15-16 (NIV 14-15) - Sacrifice and manipulation
Sacrifice and manipulation - An illustration of sacrifice
- Sacrifice in the Bible
- God can not be mocked
⦁ Daniel 6:17-18 (NIV 16-17) - Daniel's sacrifice
Our sacrifice - Daniel with the lions
- Our sacrifice
- Avoiding our sacrifice
⦁ Daniel 6:19-21 (NIV 18-20) - In the lion's den
In the lion's den - The king's angst
- Another king and another prophet
- Daniel has a word for us
- Our lions
- God is good at defeating lions
⦁ Daniel 6:22-23 (NIV 21-22) - Saved from the lion's mouth
The One Who saves - The One Who saves
- Jesus wants to save us as well
- NOTE: Jesus = Angel of the Lord
⦁ Daniel 6:24-25 (NIV 23-24) - The path to victory
The path to victory - There will be enemies in the way
- NOTE: Satan and his armies were
defeated on the cross
⦁ Daniel 6:26-29 (NIV 25-28) - The Kingdom of God
The Kingdom of God - The Kingdom, revealed to king Darius
- Praise and worship release prophecy
- The Kingdom, promised to Israel
- God has a plan for Israel, and another one
for the church
for the church
- The Kingdom in the New Testament
- NOTE: Premillennialism (doctrine about the
coming Kingdom) and post- or amillennialism
(false doctrines)
(false doctrines)
⦁ Daniel 7:1-3 - Our hope
Our hope - Hope misplaced: USA 2012
- Hope misplaced: Hamas 2006
- "Winds and sea" have prophetical meaning
- The Messiah's coming is our hope
⦁ Daniel 7:4-6 - Revelation of Daniel's visions
Revelation of Daniel's visions - Outline of Daniel's prophecy
- The winged lion
- The lopsided bear
- The four-headed leopard
⦁ Daniel 7:7-8 - Introduction - Daniel and Revelation
Rome is coming back - What has been will be again
- Replacement Theology is Antisemitism
- The Millennium promised in the OT
is still the same
- False interpretations
- False interpretations deceive us with a
false prophecy
- The real prophecy is in the Bible
- The truth
- Rome is coming back
- Ammillennialism is false prophecy
- Post-Millennialism is also false
⦁ Daniel 7:9-10 - The book of life (Introduction)
The book of life - This hearing is prophetical
- The time of the hearing
- How to interpret the present time
- The spiritual realm
- The books that will be opened
- The book of life
- We need justification in order to have
our names written in the book of life
⦁ Daniel 7:11-12 - Introduction (afterlife)
The afterlife - The defeat of evil in Daniel's and John's prophecy
- Little horn = beast of the sea = lawless one
- The fall of the last beast occurs in Armageddon
- Resurrection will take place, for good or for bad
⦁ Daniel 7:13-14 - Our hope
Hope - The hope Daniel gives us
- Hope for Israel
- The Kingdom of God seen by OT prophets
- The Kingdom prophesied in the NT as well
- God's prophetic clock is called Israel
⦁ Daniel 7:15-16 - Handling our emotions
Handling our emotions - Daniel's emotions
- Moses' emotions
- King David's emotions
- Jesus' emotions
- We follow God, not our hearts
⦁ Daniel 7:17-18 - Introduction (nations against Israel)
Daniel's prophecy for Israel - Daniel's prophecy for Israel
- The mix of the children of Satan
⦁ Daniel 7:19-22 - The meaning of the four beast
The unnatural mix - The unnatural mix of the fourth beast: its origins
of the fourth beast - The unnatural mix of the fourth beast: its developmenet
- The unnatural mix of the fourth beast: its rejection
- The unnatural mix of the fourth beast: its comeback
- "Multicultural society" is islamization
⦁ Daniel 7:23-27 - The Antichrist: not what we expect
The Antichrist - Problems with images
- Daniel's prophecy
- The fourth beast
- The ten horns
- The meaning of the horns
- The regrouping of the horns
- The fourth beast and Israel
⦁ Daniel 7:28 - Introduction - Promises, prophecies
Handling the truth - Daniel was able to handle the truth
- How shall we handle the truth?
⦁ Daniel 8:1-4 - Introduction - last times vs. fulfilled prophecy
Vision of a ram - Keys to Daniel's interpretation
- The ram in Daniel's vision
⦁ Daniel 8:5-7 - Introduction - prophetical interpretation is crucial
Vision of a goat - The prophecy
- The goat in Daniel's vision
⦁ Daniel 8:8 - Introduction: division in USA
God calls for unity - God calls for unity
- The prophecy
- The four horns
⦁ Daniel 8:9-12 - Intro: Celebrating God's acts of deliverance
The little horn - The little horn
- Note: Daniel's prophecy is not only about the
Seleucid king, but also about the end times
⦁ Daniel 8:13-14 - Introduction to Zionism
Introduction to Zionism - The origins of Christian Zionism
- The origins of religious antisemitism
- The biblical prophecy about Israel
⦁ Daniel 8:15-19 - Introduction: the supernatural
Angelical revelations - The archangel Gabriel comes with the revelation
- "Time of end" and "time of wrath"
- NOTE: different interpretations for "time of the
end" and "time of wrath"
⦁ Daniel 8:20-21 - Identifying the ram and the goat
A key for interpretation - This interpretation sets a praxis for other
"beasts" and "horns"
- The Second Coming
- The Kingdom of God now and after
the Second Coming
⦁ Daniel 8:22 - Identifying the four horns
Divisions then and now - Divisions in our times
- Historical divisions
- Reasons for divisions in our times
⦁ Daniel 8:23-25 - A little horn: Prophecy about Antiochus IV
The little horn: Prophecies - Antiochus IV is not the only little horn
about Antiochus IV Epiphanes - The little horns in Daniel 7 and 8 are
different persons
⦁ Daniel 8:26-27 - Introduction: Faithfulness
Remaining faithful - Last instructions and Daniel's reaction
⦁ Daniel 9:1-2 - Introduction to Daniel's prayer
Introduction to Daniel's prayer - The reason for Daniel's prayer
- Reasons for our prayers
⦁ Daniel 9:3-4 - Praises: The entrance to the Holy of holies
Praises: The entrance - Daniel's reasons to praise God
to the Holy of holies - More reasons to praise God
⦁ Daniel 9:5-6 - Confession of sin
Confession of sin - Salvation
- Redemption
- Regeneration
- Justification
- Sanctification
- Salvation in Jesus' story
- Daniel's confession
⦁ Daniel 9:7-10 - Sin and justice
Sin and justice - God is good always, when the sun is
shinning or when the tempest is raging
- Forgiveness
⦁ Daniel 9:11-14 - God's judgment
God's judgment - Sin has consequences
⦁ Daniel 9:15-19 - Faith in prayer
Faith in prayer - The rejection of Israel
- God restored Israel.
Shouldn't the church do the same?
⦁ Daniel 9:20-23 - Revelations
Revelations - We need peace
- We need anointing
- God anointed Gideon
- God anointed Daniel
- We need anointing to receive revelations
- Seek Jesus! He wants to anoint us as well
⦁ Daniel 9:24-27 - Revelation
The prophecy of prophecies - Introduction: We need hope
- The prophecy of prophecies
- The coming Kingdom of God
- The Kingdom of God is brought by the Messiah,
and it is the fulfilment of prophecies for Israel
and it is the fulfilment of prophecies for Israel
- Both peoples united!
- Are there "two Second Comings"?
- The Rapture
- Be based about the Tribulation
and the Antichrist!
- The Messiah is, and only can be, Jesus Christ
- Our belief equals our faith
- Our faith determines our prayers
- NOTES: Israel's eternal call
⦁ Daniel 10:1-4 - Vision of Jesus: the context
Vision of Jesus - Introduction: our time
- θεοφανια means Theophany
- Spiritual gifts in Daniel
- Do you want to know?
- NOTE about dispensations:
Edenic, Antediluvian, Postdiluvian,
Patriarchal, Mosaic Law, Church,
Great Tribulation, Millennium
⦁ Daniel 10:5-6 - The vision
The vision - Introduction: Jesus prays
- Apostasy in the last times
- The vision of Daniel
- The vision of John
- Revealing meanings in both visions
- The Angel of the Lord
- The Angel was God leading Israel
- The Angel became flesh in Jesus
- NOTES about the equivalence between
Jesus and the Angel of the Lord
⦁ Daniel 10:7-8 - Daniel alone and weak
A Word for lonely people - Reasons to be alone: sin without repentance
- Other reasons to be alone: preparation
- A Word for lonely people
- Not "follow your heart"
- Not philosophies or pagan religions
- A Spirit guided life
⦁ Daniel 10:9-10 - The prophet is strengthened
Asking a Holy God - When God says "yes"
- We have to ask as if we were asking a Holy God.
Because we are asking a Holy God.
⦁ Daniel 10:11-14 - Why did it take so long to answer
The Spiritual Realm - Introduction: Next year in Jerusalem
- Waiting for God's answer
- The Spiritual Realm
- Angels and Demons
⦁ Daniel 10:15-19 - Strengthened again
Strengthened again - God's help is not a onetime event
- God knows what we need better than we ourselves
- Love always hopes, always perseveres
⦁ Daniel 10:20-21 - Reasons of the vision
Reasons of the vision - Times of lies
- The truth about "Palestine"
- The reason the Lord came to Daniel
⦁ Daniel 11:1-2 - The Greco-Persian Wars
Prophecy: Persia and Greece - Introduction: Prophecy
- Prophecy about Persia and Greece
⦁ Daniel 11:3-4 - Alexander's conquests; four kingdoms
Prophecy: Alexander the Great - Introduction: How "wokeism" divides
(meaning it is a tool of Satan)
- Divisions in Alexander's kingdom
- Divisions today
Daniel 11:5-35 Prophecy:
The Syrian Wars (kings of the North and the South)
⦁ Daniel 11:5 - Ptolemy I Soter - Seleucus I Nicator
Ptolemy I Soter - - Introduction: My ways are higher than your ways,
Seleucus I Nicator and my thoughts than your thoughts
- The Gift of Prophecy
- Interpreting the kings of the North and the South
- Daniel: a Prophet with capitals, not a spurious fake one
- First kings of the South and the North
- Prophecies
⦁ Daniel 11:6 - Ptolemy II Philadelphus, Antiochus II Theos
Ptolemy II Philadelphus, and Berenice Syra
Antiochus II Theos - Introduction: Towards the antichrist's regime
and Berenice Syra - Wars and conflicts in Daniel's prophecy
- Roots of the conflict: outcome of the 1st Syrian War
- The 2nd Syrian War and the intended alliance
- God protects His people in the midst of wars
- God protects His church as well
⦁ Daniel 11:7-9 - Ptolemy III Euergetes, Seleucus II Callinicus
Ptolemy III Euergetes, - Introduction: the outcome of bad decisions
Seleucus II Callinicus - The prophecy
- God protects His people
⦁ Daniel 11:10-19 - Antiochus III the Great, Seleucus III Ceraunus,
Antiochus III the Great, Ptolemy IV Philopator, Ptolemy V Epiphanes,
Seleucus III Ceraunus, Cleopatra I and Scipio Asiaticus
Ptolemy IV Philopator, - Introduction: God and Daniel's prophecies
Ptolemy V Epiphanes, - The prophecy (Daniel 11:10-19)
Cleopatra I, Scipio - Interpretation of the prophecy
Asiaticus - God protects His people
- Daniel's prophetical gift
⦁ Daniel 11:20 - Seleucus IV Philopator; Heliodorus
Seleucus IV Philopator; - Introduction: Do not covet
Heliodorus - The prophecy
- The fulfilment
- The application for our times
⦁ Daniel 11:21-35 - Antiochus IV vs. Egypt, Rome and Israel
Antiochus IV Epiphanes, - Introduction: Terrorism against Israel; the
Heliodorus, Antiochus son unclean spirit of antisemitism through history
of Seleucus IV, Onias III and - The prophecy
Jason, Ptolemy VI Philometor - The fulfilment
and Ptolemy VIII Tryphon, - How Antiochus IV took the crown
Caius [aka Gaius] Popillius - A brief summary of Antiochus IV's reign
Laenas, Mattathias Ben - Antiochus IV's First Egyptian campaign
Johanan; Judas Maccabeus - Antiochus IV's Second Egyptian campaign
- Antiochus IV's persecution against Israel
- God wants us to pray for Israel
Daniel 11:36-12:13 Prophecy:
The End Times
⦁ Daniel 11:36-45 - The Antichrist
The Antichrist - Introduction: science doesn't debunk the supernatural
- The Prophecy: Daniel 11:36-45
- This is not about Antiochus IV Epiphanes
- The Antichrist in the Scripture
- The defeat of the Antichrist
- Do not treat prophecies with contempt
- There are both eternal life and eternal death
- The judgement of the living
- The judgement of the dead
- NOTES: - Scriptures about the Antichrist
- Passages that deal with this matter
⦁ Daniel 12:1-4 - Resurrection of Israel
The Resurrection - Introduction: the war on truth
- We are discarding the truth
- The Prophecy: Daniel 12:1-4
- Breakdown of the passage
- The End Times
- The Millennium or Kingdom of God
- The great distress precedes the Millennium
- The Resurrection
- Shinning like stars
- The increase of knowledge
- NOTE: The new covenant prophesied in the OT
⦁ Daniel 12:5-13 - The Sign of the Times
The Sign of the Times - Introduction: Assurance according to God vs. the fake "assurance" the world is striving after.
- The Prophecy: Daniel 12:5-13
- Translation matters (especially, the timing in v. 7)
- Timing and duration of the great distress
- Events in the Times of the Gentiles
- Two special numbers
- A personal prophecy
- NOTE about literal prose and parables
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